Where We Get Our Music:

We Get All Our Music Legally by Buying It from iTunes Music Store, the Zune Music store and Cd's From a Store and We Encourage You To Do The Same. P2P Software is Illegal for Copyrighted Material and Because The Sound Quality (File Quality, Bitrate) Is Better When Getting The Music From iTunes, Zune or CD's Bought From The Store.

Music Quality:

All Our Songs are Encoded at a Bitrate at the very minimum of 160Kbps Or Higher Mp3 Format. Since We Have Upgraded Our Computer Equipment We Changed This, All Our Songs Ripped From Store Bought CD's Are Encoded at 192-320Kbps (VBR) Using The LAME Mp3 Encoder. Songs Bought From the iTunes Music Store are Encoded at 320Kbps (CBR) Using The LAME Mp3 Encoder. Songs Bought From the Zune Music Store are Encoded at 256Kbps (CBR) Mp3. We are in the process of going threw our music library and upgrading the songs encoded at 160Kbps, to 256Kbps or higher, by downloading them again from either the iTunes Music Store or the Zune Music Store. This process is expensive and will take some time to finish, but will be completed as soon as possible :)